ISO27001 Recertification 2023

We are thrilled to confirm that in 2023, we have been awarded ISO27001 certification for a further 12 months. This year, our audit was carried out by an independent UKAS approved external organisation.  We continue to be committed to maintaining high standards of information security, and take data privacy very seriously.  All of our team receive information security and data privacy training, during the induction to the company and regularly thereafter, to make sure that every individual  works to  those high standards of care.  Recertification requires the auditor to be confident not only that we have processes and procedures in place to comply with the requirements of the standard, but also that the processes are followed, and that opportunities for improvement are identified and acted on. It doesn't stop there ! We are also able to show that the actions we identify have the desired effect.  All of this takes time and effort, but we believe that the benefits of knowing that our staff are well trained and operate consistently in this area outweigh the resources that are required to manage it. This is our fifth year of meeting the standard, and we're very proud to have achieved recertification.